SPX Calculator Sample
Find Historical SPX moves during similar volatility as determined by VIX. You can see how the SPX has moved in a variety of ways:
- in relation to a specific day of the week. For example, if doing weekly options expiring on Friday and you open a position the proceeding Monday, you can see how the SPX has moved historically during that time period.
- Any # of days. For example, if you want to see how the SPX has moved over any 45 day period.
- New High. See how the SPX has historically moved any number of days after setting a new high (disabled in sample calculator).
Change the fields in BLUE below. Be sure to enter the Current VIX and Current SPX.
- "PIvot Day" is the day the # of Days Before / After is caclulated from. It can be Monday, Tuesday, etc. or "Any".
- "# Days Before/After" is the time period from the Pivot Day you want to compare.
EXAMPLE: If Pivot Day is Friday and "-2" is # of Days, historical moves for Wed - Fri would be returned. If Pivot Day if Friday and "+2" is # of Days, historical moves for Fri - Tue would be returned.
- "VIX at Opening below" will limit the historical data to only those time periods when VIX was below the value you enter.
- The Success Rate % will highlight the # of rows in the table that reflect the success rate chosen. This is based on the # of periods in the extracted data. It will also use this to suggest a short strike for Vertical Spreads based on the success rate % you choose.