Active Trading - Tools
Online Calculators & Data to improve Option Trading success.
You can try the SPX Calculator by clicking on the Green SPX Calculator Sample below. It has data for the SPX from 1/1/2015 until 6/15/2017.
The full version of the SPX Calculator provides historical SPX data from 1/1/2003 to the present. It is a great tool for option traders. You can see how the SPX has moved over any time period in the past. You can also limit the data to only include time periods of similar volatility as measured by the VIX.
Online interactive spreadsheet where you can see how SPX has moved between any 2 time frames. Limited date range on sample.
Full Version: Online interactive spreadsheet where you can see how SPX has moved between any 2 time frames you choose.
Day-trading system using 2-min charts for quick entry / exits.